Friday, October 5, 2007

Life is yours to live 

It is invariably my belief that we should live through every second of our life that last for only a few decades with happiness, because life is ours to live. However, the fact that my life has been in an extremely humdrum course of late, couple with the grueling study assignments and pesky pressure, have been excruciating me to no end and relentlessly casting a damper on my pursuit of enjoying my life to the full. At the moment, it disturbs me a great deal to reckon on my life of recent days. It somehow seems that recently the lack of touching moments, expedient excitements, bright spots and all, has been stoking monotony and suppressing an ebullient heart. Everyday, what is indelibly in my mind and exclusively engrosses my attention is the heavy study, the forthcoming demanding tests for obtaining the certificates, and the prospect of grave “rat race” in the future job-hunting.
Each morning I drag myself from the bed to get myself well poised for the stressful study, and every night, I lie down in my bed with a maxed-out body. Groovy life of this kind with nothing to write home about has almost strangled me, and all that I want is to immediately shake off every burden that is more than I could undertake. Time and again, I feel like I can barely have the leisure to take a deep breath. However tough the reality might be and however stressed I might feel, true is that there is no escaping the fact that I should hold on, gut it out and never throw a towel. Anyway, this, with no ground for suspicion, is life and it is the life for everyone without exception available.
It is always joyful to listen to music that can induce me peaceful state of mind, and to crack a smile at small inspiring moments. Over time, I become a bit stronger. And out of every flop, I learn a worthy lesson. And I keep looking forward and striving ahead either at the sticking point or in hardships. The thing is that by no means shall I be induced to veer from my right track to dream actualization and self-fulfillment. Through the ups and downs in life, and the ebbs and flows in yet the even harder aspect which is emotional problems, I grow so much more than stronger and more grateful. I learn the rudimental thing of not evading but facing the reality with boldness and dogged willpower, and that persistence will carve out a way to brightness. Actually, life flops in this field, but so long as we don’t fail to believe and endeavor with adamant effort, it will succeed in another one ultimately.
However tortuous the life journey is, all that we should do is to always keep in mind that life is ours to live. Difficulties will always be there, the bottom line is to confront with and surmount it, the first nut to crack is to spare no effort to dispel worries and concerns from the mind, and the only sure-fire way to success is to work painstakingly with growing investment of efforts and flaming confidence. Don’t get fiasco-phobic but keep pressing ahead, all fiascos trampled under the feet. Through every defeat, there is a valuable lesson to learn, and out of defeat will come roaring success.

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